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Chaudhary Ali Akbar Khan had a passionate desire to take care and look after the welfare and well-being of all, especially the poor and the underprivileged classes of the society. He had thus spent his entire life devoted in their service for the sake and pleasure of Allah Almighty. Begum Ali Akbar was equally blessed and gifted by Allah Almighty. With a kind demeanor, she looked after and took care of the poor kith and kin, and others alike, during the lifetime, and after demise of her husband.

The scions (children and grandchildren) of Chaudhary and Begum Ali Akbar Khan have been blessed with numerous bounties, abundant resources and wealth by Allah Almighty, the Creator of the Heavens and the Worlds. This was the result of noble work put-in by their parents/grandparents. It was due to their good upbringing that their children made a place for themselves in the society and resultantly their grandchildren are doing very well in life. Allah Almighty be praised and thanked.

The family accordingly opined that it was now their time to pay back to show their gratitude and thankfulness to Allah Almighty for blessing them with very good parents/grandparents who had spent their lifetime being role models for their children/grandchildren. The family, therefore, thought that they must pick-up and carry forward the noble cause and work initiated by their parents/grandparents to serve the cause of the poor and the less fortunate to please Allah Almighty. This would truly serve as Sadaqa-e-Jariah for Chaudhary and Begum Ali Akbar Khan. This was the motivation and inclination of the family towards undertaking charitable/welfare oriented activities for the poor in memory of their late parents/grandparents.

Eldest sibling of the family, Captain Nisar Akbar Khan (Retired), made a modest start in the 1990’s and had set-up a basic healthcare facility to fulfil the medical needs of the poor and the deprived. He had created a small medical unit, comprising two rooms on the family agriculture land in Village 58 J.B. (Lehran) where the present
Ali Akbar Medical Centre (AAMC) is located.

In memory of their late parents, Chaudhary Umar Daraz Khan (son-in-law of Chaudhary & Begum Ali Akbar Khan) and his brother, Dr. Khalid Mehmood Khan, had established in 1997 a 250 Bed Charity Hospital, Khadija Mehmood Trust Hospital (KMTH), in Faisalabad City.

These were the two factors, which motivated the family to consider restarting charitable/welfare activities initially with a medical and healthcare facility/project and continue expanding it later, as more funds and resources were available. Location of the medical and healthcare facility chosen was the same site where the
previous basic two-room medical facility was established by Captain Nisar Akbar Khan (Retired).

Based on a ‘Strategic Vision’, which envisaged undertaking various welfare and charitable oriented activities at Faisalabad for the poor and the less fortunate, Ali Akbar Khan Foundation (AAKF) was accordingly established by the family during the Year 2010-2011. Initial endeavor was to outline the basic framework and structure, and to start with the establishment of a medical and healthcare center.

‘Strategic Vision, 2010-2011’ chalked out by the AAKF Founding Members was based on sentiments and assumptions, especially related to smooth flow and availability of funds and resources. This led us to work out ambitious goals and objectives, which were perhaps unrealistic and difficult to achieve in the envisaged timeframe.

It was, therefore, considered essential in 2021-2022 to revisit and redefine the AAKF ‘Strategic Vision, 2010-2011’, based on experience of the previous years since inception. Henceforth, the ‘Strategic Vision’, will be revisited and updated every ten years, based on the rich working experience of the previous years vis-à-vis
availability of financial resources. The ultimate aim/objective of AAKF is to set-up a twin complex, the Medical City and Education City at Faisalabad.

Other than the already functioning medical and healthcare facility, education field was included later since Chaudhary Ali Akbar Khan was always a keen sponsor and promoter of quality education. The Education City would include setting-up professional institutions and colleges, and higher seats of professional learning, education and research, especially related to Islamic Studies.