+92 321 5818740




Goals & Objectives – 2022 to 2025

Medical-Healthcare and Charitable/Welfare Activities

AAKF will continue to provide medical-healthcare facilities to maximum outdoor patients daily at the AAMC as hitherto fore. Maximum possible charitable/welfare activities shall also be undertaken as previously and covered above on pages 12-13 with reference to ‘Ali Akbar Medical Centre vis-à-vis Charitable/Welfare Activities’.

Endowment Fund

It is planned that by 30 August 2023, Rs.85.0 Million (Rupees eighty five million) shall be invested in Al-Meezan Investment Management Limited, Blue Area, Islamabad. Working on the existing profit rates announced by the State Bank of Pakistan, the Endowment Fund shall by 30 June 2024, hopefully, amount to Rs.97,600,000.00 (Rupees ninety-seven million & six hundred thousand; Rupees 09 Crore & 76 Lac). The Foundation would reinvest this amount and continue doing so thereafter as well in AlMeezan or elsewhere (real estate, stock market and/or any other government approved investment scheme). Resultantly, and possibly through generation of additional funds, our objective till 30 June 2032 is that the AAKF Endowment Fund should be around Rs.16-18 Crore. Insha-Allah.

Depilex Smileagain Foundation (DSF)

DSF is committed to provide the acid survivors not only with medical care but also an adequate chance to become productive and self-relient members of the society. AAKF plans to donate some amount annually to DSF. This will be in line with our mission of empowering the marginalized women of our society.

Khadija Mehmood Trust Hospital (KMTH)

AAKF provided Rs.700,000.00 (Rupees seven hundred thousand) to KMTH during the period, 2014-2015. This very little contribution, though certainly not adequate and as per our intended desire, was at best only a humble
gesture of support. Same as above for the {period, 2022 to 2025. AAKF also supported KMTH by providing equipment related to diagnosis and treatment of eye ailments. During the period, we also provided Hilton Pharma medicines to KMTH, after meeting AAMC requirement.

With effect from 01 July 2022, we shall restart donating Rs.700,000.00 (Rupees seven hundred thousand) to KMTH each financial year. This shall be continued till 30 June 2025. It shall be gradually increased to Rs. 1,200,000.00
(Rupees one million and two hundred thousand) and/or may be even more each financial year with effect from 01 July 2025. Insha-Allah.

Khadija Mehmood Trust Hospital (KMTH)

AAKF provided Rs.700,000.00 (Rupees seven hundred thousand) to KMTH during the period, 2014-2015. This very little contribution, though certainly not adequate and as per our intended desire, was at best only a humble
gesture of support. Same as above for the {period, 2022 to 2025. AAKF also supported KMTH by providing equipment related to diagnosis and treatment of eye ailments. During the period, we also provided Hilton Pharma medicines to KMTH, after meeting AAMC requirement.

Goals & Objectives – 2025 to 2032


Land measuring 1 Kanal and 13 Marlas, adjacent to the AAMC, is available. AAKF intends utilizing this empty space to construct a twostorey building. The ground floor will be utilized for establishment of a 20 Bed Mother & Child Healthcare Hospital (MCHH). The upper storey will be utilized for establishing a twin facility, Madrassah and Vocational Training Centre. It will be able to accomodate 100 students at a time.

20 Bed MCHH

Construction will be completed before the Year 2032. This medical set-up would become the ‘mother hospital facility’, based on which additional small satellite MCHHs will be established and supported. The aim is to cover those areas in Faisalabad where such medical facilities are either non-existent or are not of the required standard.

Madrassah and Vocational Training Centre

The Madrassah will cater for religious/general education and vocational training of young girls and ladies. The aim would be taking our female segment of the society towards empowerment that caters not only for them to become
useful earning members for their families but contribute towards the betterment and uplift of the society as well. It would also be in line with the famous adage: “Good, well-groomed and educated mothers contribute extremely well towards effective productiveness, betterment and growth of a strong society and great nation”. Hence the necessity
for a ‘Female Madrassah’ is envisioned under the auspices of AAKF. Construction will be completed before the Year 2032. Insha-Allah.

Akbar Science Block at Muslim High School, Multan

Muslim High School was established by (Late) Chaudhary Ali Akbar Khan before partition in Dasuya, District Hoshiarpur. On partition in 1947, it was shifted to Multan. Akbar Science Block was established in this School (at Multan) in memory of Chaudhary Sahib. AAKF will maintain, upgrade, and modernize this block, keeping in view the modern day high-tech academic requirements. This project shall be pursued to continuously maintain its standard to a high degree.

Ali Akbar Main Block at Islamia College, Sargodha Road, Faisalabad

As Punjab Education Minister from 1953-55, Chaudhary Ali Akbar Khan had established Islamia College on Sargodha Road, Faisalabad through Anjuman-e-Islamia. AAKF had decided to maintain, upgrade and modernize this block. We shall initiate this project during this period. This project shall be pursued periodically thereafter to ensure its regular maintenance and upkeep.

Akbar Science Block, Government College (now Government College University), Faisalabad

It was established in Government College, Faisalabad in memory of Chaudhary Sahib for his services rendered towards education as Punjab Education Minister from 1953 to 1955. AAKF will maintain, upgrade and modernize this Block, keeping in view the modern day high-tech academic environment to ensure a high standard of maintenance and upkeep.

Affiliation with Cadet College, Hassan Abdal (CCH)

Keeping in view the role played by Chaudhary Ali Akbar Khan as the Punjab Education Minister from 1953-55 to initially cite CCH where it stands located today and the subsequent allocation and release of funds for construction and development, affiliation by AAKF with CCH must be retained for posterity and record. Towards this
end, AAKF will provide CCH with some financial assistance for small-scale projects and/or to sponsor education of poor and talented students. This will henceforth be ensured as a policy each year.

Attainment of Envisaged Goals and Objectives

Resources permitting, goals and objectives as envisaged could even be combined and/or initiated to materialize earlier to broaden the scope of charity/welfare oriented activities and/or taken forward in case of limited resources to undertake the project in the envisaged timeframe. Scope of activities mentioned herein may seem an uphill task and too exhaustive to easily implement. However, given the determination, resolve and honesty of
purpose, AAKF has the potential (with the blessings, care and grace of Allah Almighty, the Most Powerful Sustainer), to see it through, even if the envisaged charitable/welfare projects are to be undertaken gradually.
Only an enlarged, lofty and imaginative vision will give meaning to AAKF. What AAKF is finally able to accomplish will be ‘divine decree’. But, whatever ‘little or more’ we are able to achieve, it would be to our full satisfaction and contentment since we will only be relying upon and looking up to Allah Almighty for succour, blessings and success in our charity and welfare undertakings.


Family members, colleagues, friends, businessmen, entrepreneurs, philanthropists and government/non-government organizations will be requested through an orchestrated, well directed, and planned strategy to generously donate and contribute towards AAKF. It will include all types of contributions and donations towards AAKF to include Zakat, Sadaqaat, Sadaqaat-e-Nawafil, Hadiyaat & Atiyaat etc. Funds will only be spent on welfare/charitable activities and projects. As a firm policy, wasteful expenditure will be avoided at all cost. We are generally satisfied with the last ‘10-Years Performance of AAKF’ in the healthcare and medical field undertaken for the poor and the deprived. Yet a lot remains to be accomplished. We have full faith, belief and trust (Tawakkul) in Allah Almighty’s blessings, support and care. We are, therefore, very hopeful and pray to Allah Almighty for His Rahmat, Karam, Barkat & Fazal to perform much better in the coming years. We are obliged and grateful indeed to our family members, friends, colleagues and all our valued donors, who have been very kind and forthcoming to provide AAKF with valuable financial support. Without their kindness and generosity, we would have achieved little. We pray to Allah Almighty to further bless all of them and their families with His kindness, mercy and benevolence. Aameen.